All participants can present their latest achievements and results on the field of applied technical sciences as necessary scientific and expert support in development of economy, education and industry.

Proposed topics are not restrictive. On the contrary, they are simulative, offering a wide range of opportunities for presenting and publishing of the latest scientific and professional activities and results of the authors on the following topics:

  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronics
  • Power engineering, power resources and energy efficiency
  • Automation and mechatronics,
  • Applied mathematics
  • Computer sciences,
  • Machinery and industrial engineering,
  • Telecommunication and information-telecommunication technologies,
  • Computer system and networks,
  • Software engineering,
  • E-business and electronic banking,
  • Computer graphic, visualization and multimedia,
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality,
  • Detecting and preventing cybercriminal ,
  • Biotechnology and nanotechnology
  • Educating technical sciences,
  • Impact of development of technology on non-technical fields, economy, tourism, culture and art etc..

Технички секретар

Елвира Ристова
Тел: +389 032 550 900

Адреса: ул. „Крсте Мисирков“ бр. 10-А
Пош. фах 201, Штип - 2000, Р. Северна Македонија

Студентски прашања

Сања Ристова
Тел: +389 32 550 083


Игор Ефтимов
Телефон: +389 32 550 337